Selasa, 25 September 2012

0 Batu Hiu Beach

Stone reef sharks are known for big fish like sharks. Here, you can see the panoramic view that stretches Ocean Indonesia wide with the pounding of the waves are rolling white. In addition, also enjoy a beautiful panorama of beach, bordered by green hills are a lot of fragrant pandanus trees.
Which increase the attractiveness of the Stone Sharks also are breeding turtles. In this place, you can see and learn up close how the breeding and conservation of sea turtles in their natural habitat.
Location: Village Ciliang, District Parigi
Coordinates: 7 ° 41 '32 "S, 108 ° 32' 9" E
Phone: 0265-771421
Directions: 14km from Pangandaran area to the south
Hours Open:
Further Information: Department of Culture and Tourism Ciamis District,
Jl. Mr. Kusumasumantri Iwa no. Ciamis 14 46 213

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